Simplest thing on earth!


html-154434_640I designed a webpage layout today, finally, after the wonderful couple — Mr. HTML and Ms. CSS — helped me out! It wasn’t bad. All these days, I had been thinking to learn that, but it looks like there’s not much learning needed to design a simple layout. All you have to do is, code your heart out with all the columns you want to include and all the other blocks you want to be displayed and eventually take a look at your webpage after your coding is done and edit it if something goes wrong. Simple, really.

I feel stupid now, because I had been postponing such a fun task all these days… and I thought I’ll have trouble remembering the tags… what had I been thinking? It was fun working with Mr. HTML. He helped me out just like any best friend would. And Ms. CSS was really enthusiastic about my new-found inspiration and wanted my design to look the best and lent me allcss-27192_640 the cooperation she could offer. Both the celebrities remained humble all the while, though. 😀

Maybe I’ll get acquainted with their other friends, too. HTML and CSS seem wonderful when coupled together, but still, I’d like to learn everything there is. I wish to design blogger templates and wordpress themes and use them on my blog… if I really get better in it, that is.

Let’s see how far W3Schools can teach me about all the stuff I need to know. But I’d say that ‘coding’ never quite explains what ‘HTML’ and ‘CSS’ are like. When I did coding last time, it was in C++ and C. (But they’re my favorites, too). I don’t think I’ll like Java as much as C and C++, though. Now, it seems to me that I’m going to like nothing like creating a website myself. After all, in C and C++, I get a dull old MS DOS window to see the output, but here? It’s a different story altogether!

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